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Guide on How to Start Writing a Book

When you start writing a book, you may either find it challenging of easy. You will especially face a challenge when you are a first time writer. Where to start from may never be clear to you. One only needs determination and focus to start writing. With time, you will get to learn more and it will tend to get easier. However, you still have to determine where you are to start from. Writing a given book in one day without prior planning is never possible. Writing needs a lot of planning first. There are some factors that will assist you in starting to write a book.

You need to consider the genre that you are to write about. You will always have an idea of what to base your book about when you are aware of the genre you are to write on. Always play safe by not going for a genre because it is trending at the time. You should instead go for a genre you are interested in. You will end up regretting if you choose a genre because of the kind of sales it has. You will never be able to get it right hence you will end up with poor quality work.

You always need to start from the end of the book. When you start writing, you always find it easier at the beginning. You will always have a lot of content when beginning to write. However as you progress, you will start getting tired and bored. You will not be able to write as much as the content will start diminishing. The ending of a story is always a problem for most writers. Since you will have a lot of content flowing when you begin writing, it is therefore wise to start with the end.

One needs to do character development. It is your characters that build up the plot of your story. When readers are reading, they need to have some visual image created in their mind by the characters of your story. What the character is undergoing should be able to follow by the readers.

One also needs to ensure that they have created an outline of what they are to write. The outline will always act as your guide to the book writing. You will be able to have some idea to put down in every step of the way. When you have the outline, your writing speed will be improved. How to start writing will be guided by the above tips that are stated above.

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